A parcel mailed to a ZIP Code destination outside the BMC service area for your post office (shown below) is subject to a surcharge of $1.50 in addition to the rate shown below if:
•The parcel exceeds 34 inches in length, 17 inches in width, 17 inches in height;
•Contains over 24 ounces of liquid in glass containers;
•Insecurely wrapped;
•Metal banded;
•A wooden or metal box;
•A roll or tube;
•A shrub or tree;
•Books, printed matter and business forms weighing over 25 pounds;
•Perishable, such as eggs;
•A high-density parcel weighing more than 15 pounds and exerting more than 60 pounds per-square-foot pressure on its smallest side;
•A can (i.e., paint);
•A parcel containing 1 gallon or more of liquid in metal or plastic containers;
•A film case over 5 pounds or with strap-type closures;
•Weighs more than 35 pounds.
A parcel mailed from your local post office to a ZIP Code destination within its BMC service area (shown below) is eligible for a discount of 27¢ from the rate shown below. Consult your local Postmaster for these specific ZIP Codes.
Weight, up to but not exceeding pounds listed...
lbs Local 1&2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2 $2.12 2.19 2.32 2.46 2.74 2.85 2.85 2.85
3 2.19 2.29 2.49 2.70 3.12 3.54 4.00 4.05
4 2.25 2.39 2.65 2.94 3.50 4.06 4.35 4.60
5 2.31 2.49 2.81 3.17 3.88 4.58 5.20 5.40
6 2.38 2.59 2.98 3.41 4.26 5.10 6.33 8.55
7 2.44 2.68 3.14 3.65 4.64 5.62 7.08 9.60
8 2.50 2.78 3.31 3.89 5.02 6.14 7.78 10.65
9 2.57 2.88 3.47 4.12 5.40 6.67 8.51 11.70
10 2.63 2.98 3.63 4.36 5.78 7.19 9.24 12.75
11 2.69 3.08 3.80 4.60 6.16 7.71 9.97 13.75
12 2.76 3.18 3.96 4.83 6.54 8.23 10.69 14.80
13 2.80 3.25 4.08 4.99 6.79 8.57 11.17 15.85
14 2.85 3.32 4.19 5.16 7.04 8.92 11.65 16.90
15 2.89 3.38 4.28 5.27 7.23 9.17 11.99 17.95
16 2.93 3.43 4.36 5.39 7.40 9.40 12.31 19.00
17 2.97 3.48 4.44 5.49 7.56 9.62 12.61 19.91
18 3.01 3.53 4.51 5.60 7.72 9.83 12.90 20.38
19 3.05 3.58 4.59 5.69 7.87 10.03 13.17 20.83
20 3.08 3.63 4.65 5.79 8.01 10.22 13.43 21.26
21 3.12 3.68 4.72 5.88 8.15 10.40 13.68 21.66
22 3.15 3.72 4.79 5.97 8.28 10.57 13.91 22.05
23 3.18 3.77 4.85 6.05 8.40 10.74 14.14 22.43
24 3.22 3.81 4.91 6.13 8.52 10.90 14.36 22.78
25 3.25 3.85 4.97 6.21 8.64 11.05 14.57 23.13
26 3.28 3.89 5.03 6.29 8.76 11.20 14.77 23.46
27 3.32 3.93 5.09 6.36 8.87 11.35 14.97 23.78
28 3.35 3.97 5.14 6.44 8.97 11.49 15.16 24.09
29 3.38 4.01 5.20 6.51 9.08 11.63 15.34 24.39
30 3.41 4.05 5.25 6.58 9.18 11.76 15.52 24.68
31 3.44 4.09 5.30 6.65 9.28 11.89 15.69 24.98
32 3.47 4.13 5.36 6.71 9.37 12.01 15.86 25.23
33 3.50 4.17 5.41 6.78 9.47 12.14 16.02 25.50
34 3.53 4.20 5.46 6.84 9.58 12.26 16.18 25.75
Add $1.50 to the rates shown below for parcels mailed outside your BMC area. Usually Local and Zones 1 & 2 will NOT require this surcharge. Consult your local post office for detailed information about ZIP Codes not requiring this added surcharge.